Chuka Southern Praying Mantis Kung Fu
朱 家 南 派 螳 螂

I will be working on our Chuka System book over time with the Sifu's, hopefully we will have it ready to go asap! Thanks!
We will also be working on more of our weapons forms with our Weapon's Sifu Lil' Tony Blum III leading the forms!
Weapon Forms soon to come!
Butterfly Sword, Double & Single Broadsword, Gim, Rope Dart and Kwan Dao Forms!
We have begun the the form and combat training with the Broadswords at this time, September 21st, 2014!
-Students if you do not have the "Student Only" access password, please contact myself or your Sifu to receive it! Thank You!
~Sigung Tony Blum
You guys worked super hard! I'm glad you were excited about the "old school" weapons acquisition.
Also, after our counsel meeting with Si-Hing Eddie and I.
I am proud to announce the rank and status of Senior's Ed, Joe and Lil' Tony to Sifu's - Red Sash Level!
We will be holding the Sash and certificate ceremony on the 5th of October, 2014.
That being said, Sigung Sammy Wong is now referred to as Si Tai Gung Wong within our system and his Uncle Wook-Kwong Wong as Si-Jo!
I'm very proud of my Instructor's and all of your time, effort and achievements to obtain your new rank of Sifu and your Red Sashes.
Thanks again to Si-Hing Eddie Chin for bringing this to the council table.
-Sigung Tony Blum - 9/28/2014
The Red Sash - Sifu Ceremony was a great success!
Congratulations to the Chuka Systems newest Sifu's Ed Young, Joe Riva and Lil' Tony Blum III!
The Mantis Tactical Combative's based Shuriken throwing & Archery seminar's Coming Soon! Watch for details!