Chuka Southern Praying Mantis Kung Fu
朱 家 南 派 螳 螂

System Sash Ranking
White or No Sash - Typically, a beginner will not be accepted to any sash-rank in the first 1 to 3 months of class until he/she successfully masters the basic skills outlined in Section V of the school manual.
The Four sash-ranks, On, Tan, Chun, and Biel, in their order of progression are described below.
Yellow Sash - On Practitioner -
Yellow represents the color of Earth, signifying the beginning of the initial learning stage. The requirements for this sash-rank is detailed in the Task list in Section V of the school manual. Being in the initial training of self-awareness, the goal of the various exercises are two-folded : to familiarize students with the basic movements of the System and to build body strength. The form for this rank is Sam Bo Gin. The average time for completion of this stage is 12 to 18 months.
Blue Sash - Tan Practitioner -
Blue represents the color of the Sky, signifying the second stage of intial learning. At this stage, focus of training is on understanding and applying the movements learnt in your last stage. There will be no new form for this rank. The average time for completion of this stage is 12 to 18 months. Some teaching duties are required.
Green Sash - Chun Practitioner -
Green represents the color of the Mantis, signifying the last of the initial learning stage. The focus of training is on strength utilization and concentration cultivation. Upon completion of this stage, the student is considered to have mastered all the fundamental aspects of the system. The form for this rank is Da-Sey-Mon. The average time for completion of this stage is 1 1/2 to 2 years. Teaching duties are required.
Red Sash - Biel Practitioner - Red represents the rising sun, signifying the birth of a Mantis practitioner. There will be no more advancement in sash-rank for the student. However, at this stage, the Practitioner should have the mental aptitude to detach the form (of rank) from the substance (of actual learning). Also, the Practitioner should be mentally ready and physically able to withstand the vigor of advance training of the system.